"A Scarlet Riding Hood" is an original fairy tale by Amber Kuo.
There is this little happy kid who represents happiness herself, but she easily falls, gets injured. One day, she found out that she had become a fox. Possessing this malicious strength made this little kid feel lonely because all the rabbits wanted to kill her. She started to cry, tears flooded the whole world. Magically, the fox's skin gently fell off because of the tears, and turned into a boat wrapped with all the rabbits inside, helping them to get ashore.
On the shore, there was a fairy stick; now if she she could make the rabbits disappear. However, the girl hesitated for a while with the fairy stick... and instead made herself invisible.
Music Video Production(Presented by) Nomad City Record
Music Production
(Presented by) Nomad City Record
(Animation Directed by) Xavia Chen
Music Production